Dawna Lee Heising Interviews Ron Becks

Noted actress Dawna Lee Heising recently interviewed actor Ron Becks about his starring role in the much anticipated “Hunter: Future Cop,” which was directed by multi award-winning filmmaker Gregory Hatanaka. Ron also spoke about his other film, “Las Vegas Vietnam,” which he also directed.
Ron and Dawna are all smiles during the interview!
Ron and Dawna are all smiles during the interview!
“Ron has a wonderful personality and is incredibly charismatic. He is so funny and knows so much about filmmaking and I think that it resulted in a very interesting interview. I can’t wait to work with him in his next film,” said Dawna.
Hunter movie poster
Hunter movie poster
Becks is the writer-producer and star of Hunter where he plays the title role of Lt. Ramsey Hunter. Hunter’s life changes drastically when several cases hit him simultaneously. In no time, our hero has to contend with a rogue cop killer, a beautiful Southern runaway serial killer and his corrupt police captain boss blackmailing him. But only one of the cases leads him to an ending of universal truth. Mystical Cop. Deadly Force. Champion of People. Beck’s Hunter is all that and more in this moving thriller that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Hunter has a quick draw and a heart of gold. And he’s also a great trumpet player to boot!

Becks stars opposite budding executive producer and co-star Salih Mayi, Laurene Landon (Samurai Cop 2: Deadly Vengeance), Kristine DeBell (The Big Brawl), George Lazenby (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service), Magda Marcella (Blue Dream), and Nicole D’Angelo (Darling Nikki).

Still of Ron with actress Laurene Landon
Still of Ron with actress Laurene Landon

“Making Hunter was such a treat as I worked with a talented veteran cast such as Ron Becks, GeorgeLazenby, Kristine DeBell and Laurene Landon who really helped to bring this retro 70s cop thriller to the silver screen,” said Hatanaka.

Still of Ron with actress Kristine DeBell
Still of Ron with actress Kristine DeBell

“Hunter is not your typical cop and robbers movie, because it’s more about our inner journeys in that at some point in our lives we are ruled by self doubt and self made demons, so it’s all about finding the hero in you,” said a philosophical Becks.

Executive Producer and co-star Salih Mayi
Executive Producer and co-star Salih Mayi

The interviews can be viewed at this link:


More info about the film at  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3014454/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_2

Hunter: Future Cop Trailer:


Photos courtesy of John Cox, Cinema Epoch and CineRidge Entertainment

Dustin Brown

I am the Senior Editor at HollywoodPressCorps.com.

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