It was a truly EPIC talent extravaganza at Cadillac Zack’s Monday Night Blues Party at the Maui Sugar Mill in Tarzana. There was so much talent all on stage at one time. It was a music lover’s dream come true, and the fans were pouring in the door as theContinue Reading

The best destination for music lovers on a Monday night is the Maui Sugar Mill in Tarzana featuring blues presented by Cadillac Zack. The intimate venue is a perfect joint to relax, have a couple of cocktails, watch sports in the background and listen to some top notch blues musiciansContinue Reading

Another Tuesday night success at the Whisky A GoGo and the Ultimate Jam Night. The talent is always unbelievably awesome, but this time there were wild and crazy stunts in addition to some of the biggest names in rock and roll history – all under one incredible roof! The night opened withContinue Reading

Cadillac Zack and the Maui Sugar Mill give blues lovers everywhere a place to wind down and rock out to some of the most spectacular blues musicians alive. Every Monday night starting at 8:00 pm the liquor flows as the the music begins. This Monday was no exception. The nightContinue Reading

The Ultimate Jam has a new home and it’s in West Hollywood at the Whisky A Go-Go on Tuesday nights. The stage was set a blaze by so many  rock and roll luminaries it was tough to keep track. MC Extraordinaire, Paul (Paulie Z) Zablidowsky took control of the night andContinue Reading

LEX–the Los Angeles group who fuse their synth-heavy sound with old school disco beats–will perform an avant-garde fantasy show on Wednesday, July 1 at the Los Angeles Theater Center (514 S. Spring St. Downtown LA 90013; The one-night-only performance will feature lighting and stage design from Martin Phillips (DaftContinue Reading