Cadillac Zack and the Maui Sugar Mill give blues lovers everywhere a place to wind down and rock out to some of the most spectacular blues musicians alive. Every Monday night starting at 8:00 pm the liquor flows as the the music begins. This Monday was no exception.

The night started with the incredible vocal talent of the Celso Salim Blues Band. They played old classics as well as some new and exciting renditions of blues favorites.

As the crowd warmed up and the night began to jam, the Delta Hurricane, Larry McCray took the stage and blew us all away. His insane guitar talent and smoky vocals brought the room to its feet. Dancing and singing and swaying along to one of the countries finest Blues artists.

Playing along side the Michigan Master were Rena Beavers on drums, Jeff Paris on keyboard and Michael B Holden on bass. And if that wasn’t a big enough treat, we were then blown away as guitar legend Joey Delgado jumped on stage and took on McCray in an incredible dueling guitar showcase that was out of this world.

Mondays have a bad wrap for being the most dreaded day of the week, but Cadillac Zack and the Maui Sugar Mill Saloon have changed the face of Monday. Blues lovers from all over southern California can’t wait to get through the weekend to enjoy the best night of the week – Monday Night Blues in Tarzana.