MyLücke is a great company for those on the go especially in a big metropolis like Los Angeles, where the company is headquartered.
This innovative company is an on-demand, private parking marketplace that makes hourly, daily, weekly and monthly parking easier for drivers, while serving as an additional source of income for people with under-utilized parking spaces. Also described as a virtual Airbnb for parking , the app-based solution is an intelligent player in the ‘share economy.’ My Lücke’s goal is to help provide more available parking spaces for both consumers and commuters (employees) who encounter continuous issues in finding a place for their car. By providing more parking, MyLücke in turn alleviates traffic congestion in busy areas like Los Angeles, California where MyLücke is headquartered. The MyLücke app can be downloaded for free in the App Store.
After founder & CEO, Emily Webb, moved to Los Angeles, she noticed how even a short 30-minute drive can become a full hour task if a driver is forced to add extra time to seek parking once they arrive at their destination. Emily was paying outrageous amounts of money for public parking, oftentimes $30- $40 a day – not to mention the cost of tickets for expired metered parking and street cleaning. Plus the extra time looking for parking ruined the driving experience and caused her unnecessary delays and stress. For most people, the lack of reliable, cost-effective parking can become a daily inconvenience and ultimately, effect the lifestyle and happiness of people’s every day experiences.
MyLücke is solving the universal problem of parking in both urban and rural areas. Research shows that cars are predicted to double worldwide by 2020, and valuable land can not continue to be consumed by public lots and garages. As society continues to take a stronger approach towards a share economy, it is MyLücke’s goal to exploit vacant and available parking space while allowing everyday people to generate additional income from their parking.
There are more than half a million commuters every day that drive into Los Angeles looking for hourly, daily, weekly and even monthly parking. Additionally, there aren’t very many ways in our economy to make money from literally doing nothing. That being said, there are two target groups who benefit most from MyLücke:
- First, anyone looking for parking in Los Angeles in areas where spots are scarce, expensive, and hard to find.
- Second, business owners and residents in Los Angeles who have under-utilized, available spots they can rent out to parkers.
Unlike competitors, MyLücke is focused on utilizing private parking spaces to help alleviate hourly, daily, weekly and monthly parking demands. Most competitors have partnered with commercial parking lots and target consumers who want to avoid one-time, event parking hassles. MyLücke is targeting people’s driveways and private businesses (even churches and retail spaces) where existing space exist and have the opportunity to be monetized! In fact, most businesses waste a lot of valuable parking spaces for customers on employee parking and this ultimately loses them valuable customers. MyLücke will help them to retain this value.
MyLücke also offers unique features, one of them being that parkers can extend their reservation through the app based/dependent on availability. MyLücke also has a 24/7 parking concierge and see customer support. The best part is that MyLücke Renters receive 100% of the rate set. (MyLücke adds and collects a surcharge- paid by Parkers- to the rate that Renters list their parking space for.) MyLücke is the perfect choice for Angelenos on the go!
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